Iqraa Meah


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I am a postdoctoral researcher working in the CRESS METHODS team under the supervision of Raphaël Porcher and François Petit. My current work aims to assess the effect of lung transplantation for certain diseases by performing emulated target trials. Another focus is to look for ways to improve lung association scores using causal inference tools.

In November 2023 I completed my PhD in statistics under the supervision of Etienne Roquain (LPSM, Sorbonne Université) and Sebastian Döhler (Hochschule Darmstadt). My thesis research lies in the field of multiple testing: the goal is to propose new approaches ensuring control of the false discovery proportion either in probability (uniform tail bounds) or in expectation (false discovery rate) while accounting for various constraints and structures such as

You can find my thesis manuscript here and the defense slides here.




Scientific activities

Contact me at iqraa dot meah at inserm dot fr