Hi, welcome to my webpage!
I am a postdoctoral researcher working in the CRESS METHODS team under the supervision of Raphaël Porcher and François Petit. My current work aims to assess the effect of lung transplantation for certain diseases by performing emulated target trials. Another focus is to look for ways to improve lung association scores using causal inference tools.
In November 2023 I completed my PhD in statistics under the supervision of Etienne Roquain (LPSM, Sorbonne Université) and Sebastian Döhler (Hochschule Darmstadt). My thesis research lies in the field of multiple testing: the goal is to propose new approaches ensuring control of the false discovery proportion either in probability (uniform tail bounds) or in expectation (false discovery rate) while accounting for various constraints and structures such as
- data observed in an online fashion;
- discrete data, e.g., coming from contingency tables;
- pre-ordered data, e.g., when a natural order either emerges from the same data or is fixed by advance.
You can find my thesis manuscript here and the defense slides here.
- Online multiple testing with super-uniformity reward. S. Döhler, I. M, E. Roquain (2021). Electronic Journal of Statistics. Vol. 18, No. 1, 1293-1354, 2024.
- False discovery proportion envelopes with consistency. I. M, G. Blanchard, E. Roquain (2023). To appear in Journal of Machine Learning Research. arXiv preprint
- A unified class of null proportion estimators with plug-in FDR control. S. Döhler, I. M (2023) (In review for Biometrical Journal) arXiv Preprint
- November 2023, Statistics seminar, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
- October 2023, Statistics workshop, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- October 2023, Séminaire de statistiques, INRAE/Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France
- July 2023, Journées des Statistiques, Brussels, Belgium
- May 2023, Workshop on Statistical Data Science, Darmstadt, Germany
- September 2022, Efficient statistical testing for high-dimensional model (ANR FAST-BIG) workshop, Inria, Paris
- August 2022, International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures, Bremem, Germany
- June 2022, Journées des Statistiques, Lyon, France
- April 2022, Rencontres Jeunes Statisticiens, Porquerolles, France
- March 2022, Post-selection inference for genomic and neuroimaging data workshop (ANR SansSouci), Institut Mathématique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
- February 2022, Young Statisticians and Probabilists day, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- November 2021, PhD students seminar at LPSM (Groupe de travail des thésard), Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
Scientific activities
Contact me at iqraa dot meah at inserm dot fr